Anyways, the real reason I went was for the Q&A. For me, it's a great thrill to be able to talk with masters in a completely informal setting, and learn from what they have to say about their process.
The packed crowd was full of undergrads, with a handfull of the grad students mixed in. Here's a sample of the profound questions asked: "Uh...I'm a senior uh...how can I get a job in the industry when I get out?"..."Mr Stone, uh, like, when you were at NYU, what classes did you take?"..."Mr. Stone, like, why do people like, go for conspiracy theories". JEEZ!
Some kid pretty much TOLD him that the addition of the marine character made the film political. Which any fool can see, is clearly wrong, since that shit really happened. He pretty much embarassed that kid.
Finally, someone asked how he works with actors, and he said that he works in a very socratic method of asking questions. I find that interesting. I take that approach when teaching physics, but I don't know how it would translate behind the camera on set. Something to try out.
All in all, it was great to see one of the most controversial directors of all time, and hear his take on a few important filmmaking things.
Did you find out what classes he took?
"Boxers, or briefs?"
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