This past weekend marked my birthday. Not quite over the hill, but I can see the summit.
I've been thinking a lot this weekend about the year that has passed, and all of the changes that have come with it. It was exactly one year ago (on my birthday) that I started production on my first film, which was a significant milestone in my life. I've learned a lot about filmmaking, but I think I've also learned more about myself, and what motivates me, and what things attract my attention.
I tend to bitch and complain a lot, but I know that I've got it pretty good: relatively healthy, a roof over my head, decent health insurance, and an abundance of food in the fridge.
I live in a great neighborhood, and NYC is incredible for a young person (ok, not so young anymore). As Leonard Cohen says: "It's the cradle of the best and the worst".
Procrastination has really killed a lot of time for me this year, and I want to do more to combat that this year.
The thing that I'm really proud of is that I'm still living my life more or less how I want to, I believe in myself and above all, I have no regrets.
I was thinking last night, that despite all of the madness, lack of money, putting myself in debt, heartache, commuting, sadness, major and minor tragedies, lack of sleep, always being tired, lack of a social life etc...These really are the best years of my life.