Sunday, August 13, 2006

Zen and the Art of Cashing In

I read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' as part of my 1st year Philosophy course back in undergrad, and it completely blew my mind. It really changed the way I thought about science, and I became enamored with this value of quality. I haven't read the book since then, and I really do wonder how I would think of it after all my physics training.

'Lila' the book after Zen, never really was as popular. A copy is sitting on our bookshelf, about half way read. The problem with 'Lila' is just that it's not so well written. It's really heavy-handed, whereas Zen read like a road story with quick little diversions.

Phaedrus himself, Robert Pirsig, has recently resurfaced to push the new re-issued 'Lila'.

It's a kind of shame, because I like my recluses to remain reclusive like Terrence Malick, J.D. Salinger. They keep it real.

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