Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bottom of the Pack

Maclean's Magazine, which is like a Canadian version of Time or US News puts out an annual ranking of all the Canadian Universities. As in the USA, these rankings have become points of shame/pride amongst students and schools. However, there have been a lot of people on both sides of the border questioning the validity and honesty of such rankings and just how useful they are. The good thing is that a lot of the big schools in Canada are choosing to not deal with Maclean's anymore. I think the whole ranking system in the USA and Canada needs to be revised or just completely done away with. The only way this can be done is if the top schools refuse to deal with the rankings. Students should be concerned with getting an education that suits their needs rather than the brand name.


Roy said...

Sounds great when you write it down. However, the truth is a strong brand name is exactly what suits most people's needs.

-i- said...


I know what the 'reality' is. I just feel that if people stopped occupying themselves with arbitrary rankings, then the reality will, in fact, change.