Some of my favourite memories of Toronto is being the annual Toronto International Film Festival. I attended every single year from about 1995 until I moved to the USA in 2002, and unfortunately the festival always happens during school time. It's perhaps my greatest aspiration to have one of my films show there. That is one of my measures of success.
Anyways, one of prof's films will be screened this year. His name is Jay Anania, and his film is Day On Fire. Don't know much about it, but he was very stressed during production last winter, and one of my classmates has a small role in it.
I spoke with Jay last night, and he's definitely going to be there for the screenings. He was also taking calls from his assistant who was with the colour timer, and a proper sound mix wasn't even done yet. But, it will get done. So if you're bored, go and check out his movie. After the Q&A, tell him I sent you. For real.
For screenings and tickets go here.
How did your prof manage to fanaggle (sp?) Olympia Dukakis to star in his movie? I know zilch about the movie casting process but isn't this quite the coop on his part because she used to be quite big didn't she?
Jay Anania has done quite few films already (I haven't seen them though), so it's not such a big deal as he's pretty well known in certain circles.
I'm beginning to believe that if your script falls into the right hands, and if you know the people whose hands it should fall into it's not such a big deal.
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