Huzzah for the manatee, our cute, portly, misunderstood friend.
The waxing of a physics teacher & filmmaker. I'll try to put in a mix of recent interesting science stuff, quick movie reviews, loose political ramblings and observations from my existence at NYU's grad film school (once as a student, now as a teacher). One of Filmmaker Magazine's 25 New Filmmakers of Independent Film. My last film won the Best Short Film Award at the 2011 TIFF and the Canadian Academy Awards. http://www.doubleswithslightpepper.com
Two things:
1. Hair is so overrated.
2. Manatee is the new green for Fall.
clearly you didn't read the article.
1) "They have a highly developed sense of touch, mediated by thick hairs called vibrissae that adorn not just the face, as in other mammals, but the entire body, according to the researchers’ recent work."
2) Pigs in a Blanket is the new green for Fall.
I've told you time and time again, I disregard your links. I count on people like you (unemployed) to deliver my news in obstinate blurbs.
1.Your sea cow friends have only approximately 3,000 strategically-placed vibrissae.
2.Rosé is the new green for fall.
Don't hate because I get paid for doing a much needed service that the very fabric of society depends upon.
1)Anonymous probably has less than 3000 hairs on Anonymous' body. Try not to be jealous.
2)Fish Balls is the new green for fall.
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