It went pretty smoothly, and the students seem cool. It's totally different teaching in the summer, as many of the students are more laid back and are not NYU folks. It looks like it will be a fun semester.
Yesterday I played in my first game in softball. I got in the lineup as DH and went 3 for 4 with a triple and two singles. After one of my singles, I rounded second and went for third, there was incoming throw and I slid hard. A bit too hard, as I jammed my wrist. It didn't hurt that bad during the rest of the game, but when I came home, it's been really hurting since. It's even a bit swollen. I don't think it's anything too serious, as I am able to use it, I just don't have the full range of motion. Hopefully, it will be ok by next week.
Lucky for us, you can still type!
thanks anonymous. Luckily it's only me wrist, not my fingers. My wrist can rest comfortably on my laptop.
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