Thursday, April 13, 2006

Know your Enemy!

There's been so much hubbub and sensationalization of the fact that Iran's ability to produce Nuclear energy is on its way. For some reason, which I don't understand, there are rumours of military strikes from the US side.

I feel that there needs to be some facts and understanding of exactly what Iran has done, and it's ability/desire to produce nuclear weapons. Nature has produced a very sobering article that should cool the hot heads.

I hope Iran continues it's Nuclear Power initiative and I wish that more countries had the knowledge and resources to be able to provide electricity in a cheap and efficient manner to its citizens.


Anonymous said...

Where do I begin? I guess I'll just advise you to obtain your political news from a source other than a science website. After you have finished, you may waste your energy arguing against what you, yourself have called rumors.

-i- said...


I feel that you've missed my point completely. My intention with my last rant was not to quell the 'rumors' about the US invading Iran. In fact, I don't feel that any part of what I said was political in nature.

I was hoping to question all of the rumors (on both sides), by examining what it is that we 'know' for sure and what it means.

Granted, we don't know for sure if Iran has pure intentions or not.

At the end of the day, I just don't see why Iran's nuclear capabilities is even news worthy considering many other countries are at (or way past) the same level.

Whatever happened to the 'crisis' with North Korea?