My crew finally wrapped our final shoot! Yay. I'm absolutely exhausted, and ready for a few days of R&R, and looking for a new place to live.
The way we do things at NYU during the first year is this: the faculty assembles a crew of 5-6 people (a balance of people with experience and none whatsoever) and we all rotate crew positions. The key positions are: Director, Director of Photography, Sound, Gaffer and the Assistant Director. If there is an extra person, they get those couple of days off to pre-produce their film if it hasn't been shot. It works out well, as everyone becomes educated in all aspects of the filmmaking process.
Our films are going to be 5 minutes long (for faculty evaluation, but can be longer if we submit them to festivals), and we gave everyone three days each to shoot.
I had tons of fun, spent way too much on my production, but also learned a lot (in theory, my main concern). It was also just really cool to collaborate with my classmates and help achieve their vision, and see their ideas unfold.
No more crack of dawn call-times...no more 12 hour days...no more stressing out...huzzah!
Now the realism of post-production starts.