It was supposed to be such a great time. The 'rents gone for the weekend.We're young. It's expected that there would be a houseparty.
There would also be the expected expensive vase that would get broken, that would tip off the parents that something was amiss.
A few weeks grounding, and a maybe a stern lecture.
That's the Cosby Show.
Some girl pulled the wool over her parent's eyes, and threw a party for a 'small group' of friends, which quickly swelled to some 300 young, drunk kids:
One young partygoer described the scene as "nuts", saying he saw "some kid
go down the stairs on a rocking horse."
The cops were called once, and the girl was passed out on the floor. So the cops take her to the krankenhaus and fix her up for alcohol-poisoning. The same cops get another call talking about a possible break-in at the house. They enter the house to find:
No room was left untouched. Computer monitors had been thrown through windows, a
large-screen television had been kicked in, furniture and electronics were
ransacked, and the family car had been stolen.
Awesome. Check the article here for even better video footage.
Those wacky suburban kids!
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