After a lengthy 'discussion' last night, I've been thinking a lot about female/male societal roles. I'm more interested in the deeper philosophical ideas: how we perceive ourselves and how external people perceive us. This all sounds like humdrum intro to phil stuff, but can we ever not be influenced by other people's perception? Are all of my actions done with other people in mind? Whoa!?!
Where was I...oh yeah women and society. I saw this interesting article about 'powerful' women, and their woe when it comes to relationships. The results are not that surprising: in general, women with larger IQ's (granted, a rather dubious measuring scale) find it tougher to hook up. If they do, it's usually to someone in their profession.
I remember reading a more in depth study a few years ago involving physicists (still pretty much a man's game, although it is changing...slowly), which stated that ~90% (ok, I don't remember the exact numbers. Let's just say the overwhelming majority) of male physicists that are married, are married to women outside of the field. Whilst ~95% of married female physicists are married to other physicists. From my experience, I've found that to be true.
In a sort of related path, I started to look up old Helmut Newton photos (he's responsible for that one above), and learned that he died a few years ago, which I didn't know. His work for Vogue is the stuff of legends, not to mention his nudes. In general, people are divided by his body of work: Feminist or misogynist? You decide.
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