Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I've got a new Roommate!

Little Baby Theo
Originally uploaded by Ewwwwwwww.

There are some things in life that I never thought I would ever do. One of them is watch American Idol, the other is own a cat. Now, both of them have shown that I am a sinner.

We are fostering this little guy, that I have named Theo Smokestack. That wacky cone on his head is because someone was mean to him and he got a huge gash on his back leg. They've given him some stitches, hence the cone.

He's been here for a couple of days now, and he pretty much occupies my room. He's still scared of us, but he's coming around: last night he walked right up to us and decided he wanted to watch TV with us. We didn't try to pick him up or pet him, and he soon got bored with us and went back to his chillzone (i.e. my bed).

Are you ready for a deluge of cat pics, and "awww, my cat did the cutest thing today!" posts?

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