Things have been quiet here on the Subatomic Films front, as I've been preparing for the evaluation of my latest film. I've been spending 16 hour days picture editing, and then sound editing (my favourite part) culminating with todays screening.
I signed up to go 2nd, thinking that someone would want to go first. That didn't happen, so I ended up being the new 1st.
What happens is this: they put you into the screening room with the faculty, they put up your movie, the lights come up, and then the faculty tells you their opinion of your work. It's kind of like American Idol, except the judges are only Simon (and Randy - this season only!).
I took my DP to make notes, and pretty much nodded while everyone said their piece (it's not customary to say anything back to them).
By and large, it went pretty well. Everyone agreed that the film looks great and was nicely cut together. The chair gave me props for my sound work, which is good because I'm especially proud of it.
Of course, people gave their criticisms, but to be honest it was all constructive criticism, and I know the flaws of my work.
My film is by no means finished. I still need to retool a few of the scenes and put some more work into the sound. With that being said, the formal part of the project is over. It marks the end of a huge struggle and learning experience. I think I'm a better filmmaker now than I was before (this being only my 3rd). The more I think about it, the more I realize what a thrill and privilege it is to make movies with a great group of people such as my colleagues. It's something that a lot of people would like to do, but few get the opportunity to do so.
It's incredible to see your work up on a big screen, with people watching it intently. From this abstract idea in your head, to a written script, to filming it, editing and finally projecting it, the movie becomes your baby. It's always nice to know that you have a nice baby. Just don't call it ugly to my face. Behind my back is fine.