Friday, September 29, 2006

Phillies: The Real Loveable Losers

The Phillies have the muddy honour of losing the most games of any sports franchise. Freaky. I'll always look down on them, as my Jays dismantled them back in '93. John Kruk, anyone?!?

This year looks different though. The team has been flying under the radar for most of the season, but they're this close to making the playoffs. I hope they do, as their long suffering fans deserve it. They'll be destroyed by any American League team, but I digress.

A large part of their success this season can be attributed to Ryan Howard, who burst into the spotlight by winning the Homerun Derby at the All Star game. Dave Perkins has a nice piece on how Howard, who is approaching 61 homers going into the final games of the season, could break that record sans drugs.

I don't share the idea that Howard hitting 61, is more important that Sosa, McGwire or Bonds recent accomplishments. I still think Bonds is the greatest homerun hitter of all time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Go Phillies!