The Most Questionable Costume EVER!
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
After the hectic day that was yesterday (see earlier posting), we made time to check out the annual Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. It's basically a free-for-all of wacky people, young kids, perverts and regular New Yorkers.
Every year, thousands of people line up on 6th Ave and watch this parade that is distinctly New York.
Good times were had by all. Even got to see KISS, which was pretty cool.
The popular costume this year was Borat. There was a Borat float with a huge amount of people dressed as him. I have a feeling that the movie (opening on Friday) is going to be a huge success. That's what marketing will do for you. Not that I'm complaining, because I'll probably go and see it.
Speaking of Borat, here's an interesting article about Borat and the people of Kazakhstan. The writer concludes that Kazakhs are more complex and strange than any comedian could ever think of.
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