Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
Yesterday, we officially started production period. I'm helping to produce a classmate's film, so yesterday was devoted to that. I moved all over town. First, had to get up to the Mayor's Office and pick up the Permits. This office just happens to be in the Ed Sullivan Theatre, where they tape Letterman.
From there, I made it back down to 38th Street to pick up the video stock that she wants to shoot, and then hopped over a couple of blocks to pick up the Cargo Van. Got slightly lost in the West Village and made it back to NYU for them to start loading in the equipment.
Dropped off some equipment at a place near Flatbush in Brooklyn, and then went back to Manhattan to get some expendables like gaffer's tape, gels (those pieces of plastic that change the colour of lights) and other production essentials. Battled rush hour traffic to cross over into Williamsburg to drop it all off.
It was busy but fun. We're makin' a movie, folks.
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