The waxing of a physics teacher & filmmaker. I'll try to put in a mix of recent interesting science stuff, quick movie reviews, loose political ramblings and observations from my existence at NYU's grad film school (once as a student, now as a teacher). One of Filmmaker Magazine's 25 New Filmmakers of Independent Film. My last film won the Best Short Film Award at the 2011 TIFF and the Canadian Academy Awards.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
B-List Celebrity Sightings!
Where's my autograph pen when I need it?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Filming Continues....

Bear Mountain
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
The great thing about working on other people's movies is going to their locations.
I helped out a friend on her shoot in this great park about 50 miles north of NYC, in this place called Bear Mountain. It's a wonderful location, and it felt great to get out of the city even just for a day. Clean air, trees, reminded me of Ontario.
The director's film is based on a greek tragedy and is set in ancient times. I must admit that the scenes that we shot hint at something great. She got some great performances from her actors.
All in all, a fun shoot, with a really great and tight crew.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Factory in Newark
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
I've been workin way too hard lately to blog. It's been a lot of fun, and I've helped make 3 movies so far. More to come. I've also learned a lot from watching my colleagues direct their films, and from sharing the war stories from people on other shoots.
This production period has been especially gruelling: AT LEAST 12 hour days, minimal sleep, no days off between shoots, some bad meals on set, some lazy classmates.
I've pretty much worked in all 5 Boroughs, and quite a few days in New Jersey.
Go over to my flickr page and see more pics from the various journey's taken.
I promise to keep up with the bloggin' more. I know you've missed me. Don't lie, you have.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Will the Real Borat Please Stand Up?

His site is pretty hilarious, and it's clear that he was the influence. Check it here, it's niiiiiice Mahir.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
LANL= Los Alamos Narcotics Lab

They say that a LANL subcontractor also lived there, which makes sense, as the dealer said that he traded drugs for the files. Obviously, people are tight lipped about exactly what they files were, but I'm sure they were not huge secrecy concerns. It's also not interesting to note that someone associated with a National Lab does drugs. Let's be honest, sub-contractors can be anyone.
What I find interesting, is that a subcontractor got access to, and was able to put them onto a USB-drive. Why? For some meth?
Who knows.
Either way, LANL needs to really look at their security. I find all of their 'classified' work to be not in the spirit of real science, and shouldn't be masquerading as that. Here's the article from Nature.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Most Questionable Costume EVER!

The Most Questionable Costume EVER!
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
After the hectic day that was yesterday (see earlier posting), we made time to check out the annual Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. It's basically a free-for-all of wacky people, young kids, perverts and regular New Yorkers.
Every year, thousands of people line up on 6th Ave and watch this parade that is distinctly New York.
Good times were had by all. Even got to see KISS, which was pretty cool.
The popular costume this year was Borat. There was a Borat float with a huge amount of people dressed as him. I have a feeling that the movie (opening on Friday) is going to be a huge success. That's what marketing will do for you. Not that I'm complaining, because I'll probably go and see it.
Speaking of Borat, here's an interesting article about Borat and the people of Kazakhstan. The writer concludes that Kazakhs are more complex and strange than any comedian could ever think of.
Gettin' it Done

Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.
Yesterday, we officially started production period. I'm helping to produce a classmate's film, so yesterday was devoted to that. I moved all over town. First, had to get up to the Mayor's Office and pick up the Permits. This office just happens to be in the Ed Sullivan Theatre, where they tape Letterman.
From there, I made it back down to 38th Street to pick up the video stock that she wants to shoot, and then hopped over a couple of blocks to pick up the Cargo Van. Got slightly lost in the West Village and made it back to NYU for them to start loading in the equipment.
Dropped off some equipment at a place near Flatbush in Brooklyn, and then went back to Manhattan to get some expendables like gaffer's tape, gels (those pieces of plastic that change the colour of lights) and other production essentials. Battled rush hour traffic to cross over into Williamsburg to drop it all off.
It was busy but fun. We're makin' a movie, folks.