I got invited to the big swanky NYU Faculty Spring Semester Reception the other night, and decided that I should go. They promised free food and cocktails. Usually it's beer and wine, or just beer, or just wine. However, the thought of drinking cocktails with academics was one that I relished. What a feast! Sushi galore (not that I sampled it), quiche galore, spring rolls galore, and yes, drinks galore. Waiters in tuxedos waiting for you to put down a plate or glass, so that they could pick it up. The President John Sexton came by and gave a pretty rousing speech, and introduced some previous Presidents (all of whom looked like they were going to croak at any moment). They had an Irish band playing some old folk songs, much to the crowds delight. The eggheads do enjoy a good drink, and much flirting followed. I got into this ridiculous conversation about baseball with the University Librarian (who was well tipsy), until he had to excuse himself. After the crowd was well soused, a few women started to dance, some guy went up to the mic and started to sing some old songs with the band, and wouldn't you know it, but most of the crowd started to sing along! It was pretty cool to see a bunch of stuffed shirts letting loose. Then I looked around the room, like really looked, and I realized that for all of the progressiveness and 'affirmative action', the world of academia is still pretty much still the Old Boys Club.
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