Saturday, December 29, 2007

Snob Music Review: The Golden Upturned Nose Awards - Music Division

I can't say that I listened to a lot of music this year, or at least not a lot of new music. Also, most of the new stuff has been of the indie-rock hipster variety. I'm going to try to change that next year.

I reckon this year has been more of a 'where's the beef?' kind of thing, as I found most big releases disappointing: Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Feist... all of them were duds in my books.

Anyways, here's a list of the albums that I listened to the most, and thus worthy of the coveted Golded Upturned Nose Award - Music Division:

LCD Soundsystem- "Sound of Silver"
The National - "Boxer"
Spoon - "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga"
Panda Bear - "Person Pitch"
Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - "Once Soundtrack"
The Most Serene Republic - "Populatiaon"
Do Make Say Think - "You, You're a History in Rust"

We thanks all of those that submitted their work for consideration.

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