Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tha Real Gangstaz

Although it's old news, the Times has an article today about the many towns in America that are trying to make saggy pants illegal. I've heard that story before, but it looks like it's reaching a head now.

My favourite quote: . “We used to wear long hair, but I don’t think our trends were ever as bad as sagging,”

....uh actually, it's the EXACT same thing. What did people think of the long hair hippies, and remember the Zoot Suit Riots? It's called a fashion trend. Albeit, not a good one. One that will go away, hopefully soon.

However, we all know that the bad men that steal millions of dollars from thousands of people and kill tons more people, and get away with it don't wear sagging pants. They wear suits and ties.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Japanese Monster Movie - For REAL!

The ugly cicada is wreaking havoc in Japan. They love to munch on Fibre-Optic cables, thus cutting people's internet. They also emit that annoying noise. Couple thousands of them together, and they could make you deaf. For real.

Did you need another reason to hate them?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Google Earth, now with more Sky!

I got so excited when Google Earth first came out. Who knew that so many people in my 'hood had swimming pools?

Well the nerds have compiled another huge dataset and have added the sky to Google Earth.

Not geared towards the nerds, or professional astronomers, Google Sky looks like it should be just fine for the lay person, and perhaps turn some of them into astronomers.

You can search for astronomical objects by their NGC number (nerdy), their Messier Catalogue Number (geeky), or their common name (why bother then?). You can also choose a piece of the sky and zoom in to Hubble Space Telescope grade images or zoom out.

Although not as useful as Starry Night (still the standard), I'm sure Google Sky is on it's way to putting them out of business.

Friday, August 24, 2007

They Call Me Mista Silva Fox

I was brushing my teeth last night, and in the mirror, much to my horror, I saw one massively long grey hair.

Apparently, I have another one near my ear too.

It's all downhill from here, folks.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Two Middle Fingers

Oh, Po-Po why are you getting so ridiculous?

At a seemingly peaceful protest in Montebello, QC three obviously different looking protesters started making a big deal. Most protesters were middle-aged middle class folks. These guys were dressed like stereo-typical anarchists.

The three outsiders turned out to be a bunch of cops acting as 'provocateurs'.

I couldn't make this stuff up. The video is something else.

Totally Trippy....

A really interesting story about nerds being able to produce 'out-of-body' experiences for subjects.

I think it works something like this: They get a volunteer to put on virtual reality glasses. The image they see is of their self. Then they stimulate the person, like rubbing them with a stick. They see an image of themselves being rubbed with a stick.

Then, they stop rubbing the real person, but the volunteer sees their image still being rubbed. Then the nerds pretend to like smash the virtual volunteer. The real volunteer will wince in pain, as if they had really been struck. Freaky.

They say it could explain other out-of-body experiences.

Like, Whoa. Duuuuuude.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Vawoooosh!: An ode to Al Bundy

Growing up, my parents were pretty liberal in the music, tv and movies that my sister and I could watch. However, Married With Children was where the line was drawn. When my parents weren't at home, I'd always sneak an episode in, and always enjoyed it's low brow jokes.

Somehow, I stumbled upon this page that celebrates Al Bundy and his trusty Ferguson toilet. The source of the page is The Poop Report. A site where a big ol' dump is celebrated. My kind of place.

Humor aside, the site is actually interesting with some good writing.

Breakfast for Dinner

Who's Hungry
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.

I've been working on a commercial/film for Johnnie Walker the last few nights. We've been shooting in a pretty cool space in the hipster wasteland of East Williamsburg called 3rd Ward.

It's been pretty straightforward, as I'm recording sound on it. However, there really isn't that much dialogue in the piece. However, it's still fun to be on set and learn from what's going on around me.

The one drawback, we are shooting nights, from 6pm to 6am. It's taking me a while to get used to the switched schedule, and so I've been exhausted the last couple of days.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Red Envelope, Never Blue

We here at Subatomic Films have been Netflix subscribers for years. The overhead at the office is high, so we can't afford cable. But for $17/month we watch a lot of DVD's. TV Shows, indie movies, classics or even heavy metal shows, Netflix has never let us down. In fact, they've completely changed the way we watch movies.

On the other hand, we hate Blockbuster. They ripped off millions of customers for years, and are finally feeling it. Unfortunately, their home delivery service (a shameless ripoff of Netflix) is getting larger and larger.

Netflix though, always has the upper hand and are the true innovators. They've done away with email support completely, and offer proper US-based customer service 24/7.

Watch for Blockbuster to make similar moves next year.

The Office is Open

DNA Inspiration?
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.

The Subatomic Films office took a little jaunt down to the Dominican Republic for a little R&R. It was actually a friend's wedding, but a lot of R&R was had.

Haven't been on a vacation in many many years, so it was great to do absolutely nothing for a change. Some may question that last sentence completely, but whatever.

I had no clue that there was so much important history in Santo Domingo (namely, it's the first city in the New World).

Either way, we are back in the office, and regular blogging shall return.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obnoxious Cat Post #1: Smokestack, we love you.

Wink Wink
Originally uploaded by Ewwwwwwww.

I've resisted posts about my cat for far too long.

I've heard rumours of it, and I've seen evidence of it before. I saw it with my own eyes last night. Theo tracked down a bug in our kitchen (just an itty bitty one) and killed him. I think he ate it after.

Go Theo Smokestack!