Sunday, June 01, 2008

Cruelty No More in Canada?

I'm no stranger to KFC outlets worldwide, and my consuming probably wouldn't be affected, but it's nice to know that KFC Canada has bowed to the endless protests/boycotts of PETA and will buy chickens that been killed in a manner that is considered more humane.

This could be a watershed moment in fast-food, as I'm sure other companies in Canada will follow suit, and the pressure will then be states-side and eventually worldwide.

The suits at KFC Canada are also promising a vegan chicken alternative at restaurants. To be honest, a lot of the 'faux-chicken' products made by Morningstar Farms are pretty damn tasty... just stay away from Tofurkey.


Anonymous said...

Morning Star Farms stuff isn't vegan, just so you know.

-i- said...

Anonymous, thanks for enlightening us!