Monday, April 21, 2008

Inside News from the Obama Camp

One of my teachers (and dare I say, 'friend') got a job last year working on the Obama campaign as the director of field production. Basically, he's the one making the campaign ads and videos.

There's a very nice profile of him, his life on the road and the creative process which is high turnaround.

When I ran into him after the New York rally last year, he confided that he thought his gig would be over soon. Clearly, he was wrong.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Physicists Tell it to the Judge!

I lub me some baby mama drama!

The woes for the LHC continues as a few quacks (Walter L. Wagner and Luis Sancho) are suing (yes, legal action!) CERN for potentially creating black holes that will swallow up the Earth.

Even better than that has been the discussion over at Peter Steinberg's blog (Full disclosure: Peter is a former colleague of mine). It gets better, as Wagner got around to posting a nasty response.

As it turns out, Wagner is a master of "the sky is falling" prophecies as he predicted black holes would surely result from RHIC over at BNL. From the year that I spent at BNL, I can truthfully say, I am still alive.

Monday, April 14, 2008

R.I.P.: Wheeler

We were saddened to hear about the passing of the mighty physicist John Wheeler. This guy was the real deal and was perhaps the most influential physicist alive.

I first came to know Wheeler when I read a paper that he and Feynman (Feynman was Wheeler's student) wrote on the Retarded Potential. I was struck by the philosophical implications concerning the arrow of time. It was that brief paper that caused me to look more into Wheeler, and his massive contribution to knowledge.

I've never been star-struck by scientists (and movie stars are starting to lose their luster), but Wheeler was the only contemporary physicist that I really wanted to meet.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Back in the Office

Toronto Skyline from the Ferry
Originally uploaded by subatomicfilms.

It's been a while...I've been dealing with some serious family problems (looks like everything will be OK though) which took me to Toronto and away from the blogosphere for a bit.

However, you will be happy to know that I am back, and my typing fingers are itchy.